Saturday, December 30, 2006

Mystery Solved

The scat found turns out to be from coyotes! Yes, we have coyotes in SW Florida. One columnist for the Collier Citizen newspaper; Mark Strain, wrote about trapping two of them humanely and then releasing them. He lives not too far from us. Then, one day when both my husband and I came home after dark seperately, we both saw at least one of these really beautiful animals in our headlights. The one critter I spotted, walked right in front of my car and the headlights illuminated the entire animal. There was no doubt about what I had just seen.

Nice to have the mystery solved. Coyotes are not native to Florida. Dr. Martin Main, a noted wildlife researcher with the University of Florida is involved with learning more about this animal in Florida. For more information click this link: South Florida Coyote Study

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